About the Author
I like to say I live in a fantasy world of endless green forests, cascading silvery rivers that run between shining, snow-capped mountains, and within reach of both a high desert scabland and a sandy-beached, marine blue ocean. It's called Washington State. I share this wonderland with two to three generations of adult males (more or less, depending on time and circumstances), the requisite two writer's cats of mixed heritage and contradicting dispositions, and all sorts of other mossy-backed folk who don't mind the rain that makes our land so magical. I love to fill my historical and fantasy romance with this same feeling of magic.

I'm a three time winner of the Golden Heart and have won many other awards for my books. I have been involved in e-publishing almost from the industry's beginning. Besides writing, my other favorite addiction is designing covers for ebooks.

Now, it's true, my life doesn't always seem all that rich in fantasy and beauty. But every word of it is true. I might have dressed it up a bit for the introductions, but since that's the way I like it, that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Thanks again to all of you who have taken the time to read, review and appreciate my books, both publicly and in personal notes. I love hearing from fans, so if you're of a mind to drop me a line, please don't hesitate.

Where can you find me?




 Lady Wicked by Delle Jacobs

When the Ton's most infamous rake, Thomas Steynes, Viscount Savoury, is forced to retreat to his ancient, abandoned, family manor to redeem his wasted life, he comes upon a woman being tormented by village boys. Rushing to the rescue, he discovers his damsel in distress is instead the very viper-tongued harpy who hates him more than anyone else on earth.

Cast aside by her violent husband, the last thing Davina, Lady Wyckham, needs is an irkingly handsome knight in tarnished armor hell bent to rescue her. After her brutal marriage, all she wants is to be left alone, to support herself raising herbs to sell to apothecaries. And if she weren't ruined enough already, Savoury's attention can only bring more disaster.

Despite their intentions, true friendship and trust grow between them, and the attraction they had long denied begins to deepen. But behind their backs lurks a dark mystery that threatens them both. Only by uncovering and thwarting the sinister plot can they have a chance for survival and love.

Release Date Feb. 25, 2011
